Community of Practice / Events1

Community of Practice

This webpage was created with the support of
the USAID Central Asia’s Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity

Meeting of the Network of Academic Society. Rational use and protection of water resources in Central Asia under climate change

Since 2012, the Network of Academic Community (hereinafter– NAS) has been organizing regular meetings to discuss current issues and exchange knowledge between representatives of academic institutions in the field of environmental, water, land, and energy management. The aim of these meetings is to develop measures to improve the management of natural resources through science and education. The NAS provides universities with the opportunity to cooperate with international and regional experts, to develop and improve educational courses, and to train teaching staff in new approaches and tools. International development partners, such as USAID and SDC, in turn, assists in developing unified training and educational materials to be introduced in different universities– NAS members– to ensure a unified approach in building capacities of future water managers in the region. 

NAS activities are coordinated by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) with the support of development partners such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), the European Union (EU) and the World Bank (WB). In addition to offline meetings, the NAS is supported by the Community of Practice electronic platform (, which is a virtual space for sharing knowledge, hosting training and research materials, and building a community of experts in water and related fields. The upcoming NAS meeting will be held back-to-back to the Science and Technology Forum in the margins of the Third High-Level International Conference on the International Decade of Action, "Water for Sustainable Development" 2018-2028. It will be devoted to the rational use and protection of water resources in Central Asia. 

Zoom link to register: Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. 

Meeting format: Hybrid format using Zoom platform. The meeting will be held in Russian with simultaneous translation into English. 

Organizers: USAID Central Asia’s Regional Water and Environment Project and Blue Peace Central Asia Initiative with the support of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (hereinafter-CAREC). The meeting is hosted by the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Objectives of the NAS meeting: 

I. To discuss cutting-edge research, innovative approaches and best practices in water resources management; 

II. Presentation of the results of the implementation of the academic component of the First Phase of the Blue Peace Central Asia project. Presentation of the new phase of the project; 

III. Introducing new opportunities from development partners to work with the academic community in Central Asia. 

Expected participants:

  • Representatives of CA and European universities; 

  • Representatives of CA scientific research institutes; 

  • Representatives of USAID Regional Mission for Central Asia; 

  • USAID Regional Water and Environment Activity Team; 

  • Representatives of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation; 

  • Representatives of the German Society for International Cooperation; 

  • Representatives of the UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty; 

  • Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia Team.

Date: 12.06.2024

Location: Dushanbe, Tajikistan



1. Strengthening Hydrological Modeling Curricula in CA Universities, T.Siegfried

2. Blue Peace Index: A Practical Tool for Water Diplomacy in Central Asia, M.Samel

3. The Blue Peace Initiative, A.Bleich

4. Climate Resilient Integrated Water Resources Management in the Zarafshan River Basin: Establishing Cooperation with Universities, O.Anarbekov

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