Astana, Kazakhstan - From June 10 to 12 this year, the Academy of Public Administration (APA) under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Kazakhstan Agency for International Development KazAID, held a three-day refresher seminar on "Regional cooperation: issues of SDG implementation and water diplomacy" for employees of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
During the seminar, participants discussed the role of government agencies in achieving sustainable development, identified the importance of the interconnectedness of tasks in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Central Asian countries, and also considered issues of water cooperation in the region.
It should be emphasized that one of the trainers at this event was Arman Nurmaganbetov, a member of the Network of Academic Societies (NAS), Professor at the Institute of Management of the APA under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD, Candidate of Technical Sciences, who became a participant in the training on water diplomacy conducted by the USAID Central Asia's Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in cooperation with the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia.
"Water diplomacy and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are key factors for ensuring peace and stability in the modern world. In the context of growing water scarcity and climate change, international cooperation in the field of water resources management is becoming critically important for conflict prevention, ecosystem protection and ensuring access to clean water for all," Arman Nurmaganbetov said.