The Central Asian Network of Academic Society (NAS) in Central Asia promotes interaction and knowledge exchange between representatives of educational institutions involved in the management of environment, water, land and energy resources in the context of climate change. NAS provides an opportunity for universities to work with international and regional experts, develop new or improve existing educational courses, prepare necessary methodological material, and train their faculty in new approaches and modern tools.
Goals and Objectives for the November 24, 2023 CAC meeting:
I. To discuss the progress of NAS development and the cooperation of its members;
II. Presenting the results of the Community of Practice Research Community of Practice for the Blue Peace CA project;
III. Presentation of new opportunities from development partners to work with the academic community in Central Asia
Expected Participants:
- NAS members and representatives of Central Asian Universities;
- USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity;
- Representatives of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation;
- CAREC team.
Date: 24.11.2023
Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Presentation: Upcoming opportunities for the academic community in Central Asia | R.Karazhanov