Community of Practice / Knowledge Hub / Scientific Journals

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Theoretical and scientific-practical journal "Kishovarz" | Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh.Shotemur (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

Journal "Kishovarz" has been published since 2000. In its first issues, the journal published scientific articles by university scientists. The founder of the journal is the Tajik Agrarian University named after Shirinsho Shotemur. The international identification number of the journal is ISSN 2074-5435. On March 19, 2018, the journal 063/MCH was registered as the journal of the Tajik Agrarian University "Kishovarz" in the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan. On June 20, 2018, the journal was included in the list of leading peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. The theoretical and scientific-practical journal "Kishovarz" publishes theoretical and scientific articles on various agricultural fields in three languages (Tajik, Russian and English), every three months in the amount of 30-32 pp.

The sections of the journal consist of several areas of agricultural sciences:

  1. Agronomy, horticulture, viticulture and agricultural biotechnology;

  2. Mechanization of agriculture and hydraulic reclamation;

  3. Animal engineering, veterinary medicine;

  4. The economy of the agro-industrial complex.

Scientific articles submitted for publication in correspond must the following requirements: a) the scientific article must be prepared in accordance with the requirements established by the journal; b) the article must be the result of scientific research; c) the topic of the article must correspond to one of the scientific directions of the journal. 

Requirements oftypography of the scientific articles: 

  • the text of the article should be prepared in Microsoft Word format, in Times New Roman font for Russian and English text and Times New Roman Tj for Tajik text, size - 14, fields - 2.0 cm from all sides, interval - 1.5. 

  • formulas, symbols and letter designations of quantities must be typed in the formula editor Microsoft Equation or Math Type (font 12). Only those formulas to which there are references are numbered. 

  • tables, diagrams, diagrams and figures must be grouped and numbered, and also, they must have a name. 

  • the volume of the article (including annotation and bibliography) should be in the range of 8 to 10 pages of A4 format. 

The article should have the following structure: 

  1. UDC index per article; 

  2. Title of the article; 

  3. Surname and initials of the author (example: Rahimov S.H.); 

  4. The name of the organization in which the author (s) of the article works, the postal address of the organization, city, country; 

  5. The main text of the article; 

  6. List of used literature (no less than 6 and no more than 7 titles of scientific literature). 

  7. Title of the article, annotation and keywords (in Tajik and English, if the article, is in Russian, in Russian and English, if the article, is in Tajik). 

  8. Annotation is drawn up in the amount of at least 5-7 lines, keywords from 5 to 10 words or phrases; 

  9. Information about the author in three languages (full name, position, academic degree, place of work, adress of the place of work, E-mail, telephone) 

When citing specific material, links are indicated in square paranthesis. Example: [4, p.15], and etc., literature No.4, page 15.

Journal Website:

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