Community of Practice / Knowledge Hub

Community of Practice

This webpage was created with the support of
the USAID Central Asia’s Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity

Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus Lecture: IWRM versus Nexus Approach - is there any difference

The world community has been introducing IWRM principles in most countries of the world for at least three last decades. Over the past decade, the Nexus approach has been introduced along with the IWRM approach. If IWRM has already been incorporated into the national legislation of the CA countries and the principles are being implemented at the river basins, then the concept of Nexus is quite new for the region. There are many questions about the new approach and lots of misunderstanding. Is Nexus a completely new approach, or is it just a new name for the IWRM approach? Do we need to completely change CA legislation for implementation of Nexus approach, or should we just make some additions?

In today's debate, we will listen to two opposing points of view and try to figure out what the Nexus is about. For the talk in this debate we invite two speakers who will discuss about IWRM and WEFE Nexus approaches:

·       Mr.  Alexander Nikolayenko, regional adviser for the Green Central Asia Program, implemented by GIZ. Mr. Nikolayenko is sure that there are not many differences in these two approaches, and the nexus is just a new name for what is already implementing in the region.

·       His opponent, Dr. Jonathan Lautze, IWMI-South Africa will provide the evidence that the Nexus is completely different from IWRM and we really need to work hard to incorporate this new approach into daily operations. 


The NEXUS across water, energy and food, Jonathan Lautze

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