Community of Practice / Knowledge Hub

Community of Practice

This webpage was created with the support of
the USAID Central Asia’s Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity

Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus Lecture: The Role of Science and Scientific Research in Bridging the WEFE Nexus Knowledge Gap

In recent years, the Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach has attracted growing attention within international politics, academia, and other areas of society. The tragedy of the Aral Sea in Central Asia demonstrates how wrong planning, lack of understanding of the interconnection of various sectors can lead to tragic consequences. The Central Asian countries are currently striving to reduce the detrimental impact of the Aral Sea crisis on the environment, on various sectors of economic development, ecosystems, and the health of the population of the Aral Sea region. In this regard, great efforts are directed by countries to the practical solution of these problems, considering the relationship of "water-energy-food-ecosystems" - the introduction of the Nexus campaign.

However, despite its potential, full adoption of the approach has been hindered by a lack of actionable strategies to guide its practical application. Critics attributes to (i) poor data (ii) lack of empirical evidence, (iii) inadequate analytical tools, and (iv) lack of clarity on the applicable spatial scale. At the same time, the countries also require the creation of a scientific basis for the implementation of the Nexus approach, conducting research at individual sites to demonstrate scientific approaches.

In this regard, the next lecture is devoted to the role of scientific research in bridging the nexus knowledge gap, quantifying nexus critical interlinkages and interactions, and identifying trade-offs and possible synergies to support evidence-based policymaking. The participants will hear about:

  • The role of science in promoting and applying the Nexus approach in Central Asia;
  • Important and needed research areas in the Aral Sea region.

The tenth lecture will be organized as a panel discussion, and we are pleased to introduce our distinguished speakers:

  • Ms. Zadneprovskaya Maria Andreevna, Head of the Ecology Department of the Executive Directorate of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Sokolov Vadim Ilyich, Head of the Department for Project Implementation of the Aral Sea Basin under the Uzbekistan Executive Directorate of IFAS.

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