Community of Practice / Opportunities

Community of Practice

This webpage was created with the support of
the USAID Central Asia’s Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity

The International Rangeland Congress

The International Rangeland Congress will be held in Adelaide, 2-6 June 2025. Abstracts close on July 2nd. Submitting an abstract does not lock you into attending – the abstract could be withdrawn if you are not able to make the congress.

This offers a unique opportunity to present at an International gathering of scientists, policy makers, land managers and traditional owners from across the globe. The Congress should attract more than 600 international delegates, including presenters from Mongolia, South America, Africa, the USA, Canada and Europe.

Early Bird registrations close on 30 September, and there is a special Student price. Students and early-career professionals consistently provide positive feedback on the boost that past congresses have given their careers.

Rangelands occupy over 80% of Australia, and more than 60% of the world’s land mass. Australia’s rangelands host relatively intact ecosystems, supporting diverse flora and fauna across tropical woodlands, Acacia shrublands, grasslands, and saltbush shrublands. Indigenous communities have a strong presence in the rangelands. Mining, tourism, and agriculture (especially cattle and sheep grazing) are essential economic activities.

The Congress theme is ‘Working Together for our Global Rangelands Future’.

Congress subthemes include:

  • Valuing rangelands and pastoral systems for their societal contribution
  • Co-design, partnerships, and incorporating traditional knowledge for more enduring rangeland outcomes
  • Technology, information systems, communication, and big data to aid monitoring and decision making
  • Integrating rangeland ecology into management
  • Managing risk – climate and other system shocks and trends
  • Livestock production systems in a world of changing drivers
  • Multi-functional land use in rangelands – moving beyond niche opportunities

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